Monday, August 1, 2011

Procrastination is the word

So I have been very slow about getting a post up; probably because my internet connection is so slow I have nightmares about one picture taking an hour to load! Well that and the fact that I didn't have anything exciting to write about until Thursday and Friday. So on with the news of the Bee's Knees =)
  Daryl and I took a walk Thursday evening down one of the trails right in front of our house. It had been a while and the weather was too nice to not go out. It was at that time of day when everything looks golden, it was so pretty.

This is my favorite thing in our town! I love this wall, it is only a few houses down from us.

Part of Auw.

I love seeing the different flowers here.

So Daryl said this was just like a "Redneck Weather Rock", I had never heard of them before (well I wasn't born in Wewa lol). I guess Germany has rednecks too. haha, just kidding.

This made me think of the Secret Garden.

On Friday my new friend Melissa and I went to Trier (the oldest city in Germany) and had sushi. Obviously this is cake and eating cake with chopsticks is not easy, neither is eating fruit! I ended up just sticking the fruit with one of the chopsticks. haha 

We also got some delicious ice cream =)

We LOVE ice cream.

This upcoming week Daryl and I will be celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary! WOW! He has the day off and we will be spending it at Ramstein AFB getting some things for the house and then eating out. He also has Friday off and we are going to Trier to see some sights and eat sushi. Hopefully I won't be to slow about putting up another post. =)
Chus <3
(German for goodbye)


  1. So fun! I love the flowers and gate shot!!!!

    P.S. next time try holding the chopsticks back towards the ends. From the cake pic, your fingers are too far up. :)
